Happy Friday everybody!
Chocolate Makes the Galaxy Go Round. The topic of my guest post on Becca Campbell's Inspiration for Creation.
The official launch of book 2 of the Backworlds series, Stopover at the Backworlds' Edge is this coming Monday. It's not to late to join the party. Sign up HERE. Or send me an email at mpaxauthor [at] gmail [dot] com and say you'd like to help announce Stopover.
Congratulations to Leigh T. Moore on her three book contract with Simon and Schuster's Pocket Star imprint. Really, really awesome.
Tara Tyler thank you for the Magic Eight Ball tag. I decided to answer you for IWSG on August 1st.
Karen Elizabeth Brown is looking for assistance in putting together her launch party for Medieval Muse, August 1-6.
Christine Rains is having a blogfest to celebrate her release of Fearless. August 7th-9th, post your childhood monster. I <3 Tawa, do you?

Husband and I fested at Summerfest here in town last Sunday. This weekend we're festing at a Renaissance Fair. I checked the year five hundred times. 2012. Monday we fest for book 2 in the Backworlds series. Yay.
Have a great weekend!
Reminder: This blog is moving to http://mpaxauthor.com/blog/ on August 20th. You can read it there now, same posts on the same days. Hope to see you there soon.