Jun 11, 2012

Why a Newsletter, Interview & Don't Surrender

Lorna Suzuki interviewed me yesterday. Met her talented self on the twitter. Flattering that she thinks I'm doing everything right. Nice thing for us insecure types to hear now and then.

I'm at Libby Heily's today. Also a great talent. I'm looking forward to her new collection of short stories and the release of her novel, Tough Girl. I'm talking about how to get books FREE on Amazon if you're not doing KDP Select, and if you're publishing, why you should create a newsletter and have a mailing list service.

Never Surrender Blogfest                                  

I signed up to take part in Elana Johnson's Never Surrender blogfest. Her new book Surrender came out June 5th. Congrats to Elana.

In the early 90's my battle with bilateral carpal tunnel began with a case of severe tendonitis. It quickly progressed to tenosynovitis then CT. It affects my wrists, my hands, and both arms all the way up to where the shoulder connects to the spine. It was so bad, my husband had to help me dress for work. I shouldn't have been driving. I couldn't really steer my car. Despite the constant pain, my hands were numb, and I'd often burn myself when cooking and not know it. I couldn't hold onto things. I still have problems with that and writing with a skinny pen. One of the reasons I don't write by hand very often.

I refused to believe I couldn't get better. Just flat out refused. But the doctor told me one day that if I didn't stop what I was doing, I'd lose the use of both hands permanently. A war at work raged. I won't even go into all of that. That's a novel unto itself.

I fought for myself. I fought for my health. Let me tell you, that's a very unpopular stance to take in the corporate world. I made plans to go to grad school and left my job. It was the wrong decision. Not leaving or going to school, but what I decided to major in. It's something I regret, but I keep telling myself it got me out of the hell I was in and to here. Here is a damn OK place.

When I didn't know what else to do, darkness does not begin to describe the place I was in, my mother said, "Write me something. You were always good at writing."

And so me, version 9.0, began. My hands are a lot better, but I still have to be very careful. Sometimes I have to take several days off from the computer. (yes, I have ergonomic everything -- why I remain on a PC) Thank goodness I discovered licorice root can help when it starts acting up. When it does, I wonder how I survived all those years in all that pain that never stopped. Never.

It may have taken me awhile to figure out what to do, but I never gave up. My mother's words offered me a lifeline inside a dark pit and I followed it out. Writing did that for me. A wonderful husband who gave me the space and time I needed to figure it all out, did that for me.

What obstacles have you overcome because you wouldn't give up?

Now come visit me at Lorna's and Libby's. Libby is the last official stop on The Backworlds blog tour.

Umm, I had some major technical issues today that have had me pulling my hair out since this morning. Grrr. Will catch up with you all tomorrow. Need to figure out how to get my new printer to work. Grrr. New printer works. Yay. Somehow I don't think having to buy a new one is a victory for me though ...