Dec 15, 2010

Jingle Jangle for Writers and Sci Fi Fans

The inspiring Retta Cat correctly guessed the reference in Pictures of You on Monday.

Oh, the joys of discovery. What did we do before the internet graced our lives? Here are some fab things I found while wandering around cyberspace.

First off, here's a wonderful gift from JE Fritz, a great long list of writers resources.

So, how about some sci-fi holiday music? Seasons Geekings from John Anealio. What a talent!

For the Arthur C. Clarke fan, they need a monolith action figure.

For the writer geek - a curio box of author caricature figures. Sorry they wouldn't let me nab a pic of it. Also available are alien ornaments and other sci-fi trinkets.

For the video game enthusiast Space Bunnies Must Die is it.

An alien abduction lamp is a must for any science fiction fan

Amazon also has many alien themed model kits to choose from. Would look great around the alien abduction lamp.

What treasures have you found around the internet?