Apr 7, 2011


Fermi Space Telescope: Exploring the Extreme Universe

Fermi is a powerful space observatory that will open a wide window on the universe. Gamma rays are the highest-energy form of light, and the gamma-ray sky is spectacularly different from the one we perceive with our own eyes. With a huge leap in all key capabilities, Fermi data will enable scientists to answer persistent questions across a broad range of topics, including supermassive black-hole systems, pulsars, the origin of cosmic rays, and searches for signals of new physics.

The mission is an astrophysics and particle physics partnership, developed by NASA in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, along with important contributions from academic institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the United States.

I've featured Fermi on this blog before for capturing this stunning bubble which exists in the center of our galaxy. Click on the photo to enlarge.

This I tweeted before, but it's so cool. Fermi finds evidence anti matter is created on our own atmosphere

Hosted by Arlee Bird of Tossing it Out http://tossingitout.blogspot.com/