This week, after spending hours upgrading the Guild's blog and this one, the vortex ate my internet connection. My desktop is still refusing to connect to the internet by refusing to assign itself an IP address. Husband is on the problem and it will eventually be resolved, but I miss the beast's speed on the internet and, of course, this tiny beast has some limitations like no printer, can't access my outlook e-mail address book, graphics, etc ... are on the PC. Everything on the PC is working except for no internet. Siiiigh. Doing a lot of online on the netbook is a pain in my backside. But something is better than nothing.
Such is life. How's your personal vortex? What's it done to you lately?
My kitties love when I buy
new shoes. They luv the
boxes. |
Yesterday I had to take Makayla to the vet. She's been having troubles with her back legs for some time. My cats are going to turn 14 in December, so slowing down is expected. But recently her back was feeling different, so I took her in to be checked and for some x-rays. Turns out to be a soft tissue injury and she's on a round of steroids. It's cherry flavored. So, she's really digging it. Not.
Don't let this innocent face
fool you. |
I have to commend the vet's office for asking about Nini without flinching. My little Tazmanian Devil tore them all up in the spring when she went to have her stitches removed. She sent the vet to me 3x with bloody arms and 2 vet assistants. She also took on 2 dogs and another cat. Evicting a large dog from his cage, Nini landed in his water dish. So I went home with an unhappy, dripping cat. The vet said she did not need to see Nini again any time soon. lol
So, they were happy to see Makayla is mellower.
Wistful Reads is a go. Click on the 'Bookclub' tab at the top if you're interested in joining in. We're reading
Replay by Ken Grimwood. We'll be discussing the first six chapters [up to page 85] in a couple of weeks.