Feb 23, 2011


Hart Johnson of Confessions of a Watery Tart is hosting the Delusional Doom Blogfest on March 15. To find out more and / or sign up, go HERE.

And I'm sure you all know of Arlee Bird -- Tossing it Out -- A to Z challenge by now. I summoned up bravado and signed up. I figured I can make it work by divvying up the fellow A to Zer's over the whole of April into manageable amounts. I can double up on Fridays, since I take weekends off from cyberspace.

So my time management schedule will stay intact. That was my biggest worry as I didn't want to eat into my writing time and the various other things I have to get done in a day. That and I wasn't sure of what life had in store for us for April. I've said it before, but limbo really sucks.

Still slogging away at the two novels. My schedule is holding. They both keep moving forward. Rewrote the beginning of the 1st novel which put a different spin on character arcs and interactions. So, I'm going to have to go through the whole WIP and revise for that. Had a fit of frustration with that one. It's over now and I'm happy with how it's going. Just plain old revisions going forward on the 2nd. Have one of those niggling inklings on the 2nd, but will ignore it for now and forge ahead. It's something I can fix later and will probably find easier to fix later if I need to.

Got more rejections on the short stories. Been saying the same thing lately, 'not for us, but encourage you to keep submitting this, it will find a home somewhere.' So onward and onward. Will have to find time to do another round of submissions. Some are still outstanding. I try not to hope. Every time I send them out, I try not to. But I can't help it. I feel like I'm dancing on the edge, so I think 'this time is it'. Every time. A certain type of delusional belief is a requirement in this profession. And tenacity. Never surrender, never give up.

I will add titles to the 'published' column. I'm determined. Already have the next round of submissions sent out. That makes six out for sale, one in a contest and one with a yes. Will get another entered in a contest shortly.

What all do you all have to say this week about your journeys?